DOS/32 Advanced DOS Extender - Technical Reference

3.0 - DOS/32 Advanced - The Loader

The Loader is currently capable of loading the "LE", "LX" and "LC"(*) formats of 32-bit protected mode programs. The Objects can be loaded into both conventional (DOS) and extended (High) memories, but by default the loader will load all Objects into extended memory to emulate DOS/4GW DOS Extender.

An Object is a part of your protected mode program, that can be either 16-bit or 32-bit and have attributes of CODE or DATA. The Objects can be seen as segments you declare in the program when you create your protected mode application. To be more exact, segments which have the same Class, or which are grouped into the same Group, will be put into one and the same Object. A typical WATCOM program will have two Objects: one 32-bit CODE Object containing BEGTEXT and TEXT segments (both have the same Class: CODE) and one 32-bit DATA Object containing the rest of declared segments, including the STACK (grouped into DGROUP group).

DOS/32 Advanced allows you to separate the 16-bit Objects and 32-bit Objects (place them in different memories, conventional and extended). The 16-bit Objects can be loaded into DOS memory directly, while the 32-bit Objects are still loaded into High memory.

For each loaded Object, the Loader will allocate a protected mode selector that will be set to 16-bit if the Object was declared as a 16-bit Object and to 32-bit if the Object was declared as a 32-bit Object. Please note that the 32-bit Objects which have the same attributes will share one and the same selector. That is, if the Loader is loading an Object with attributes of DATA/32-bit, and there is already a selector allocated for an Object loaded previously, that had the same attributes, the both Objects will share the same selector. This will not be the case for the 16-bit Objects which will have different selectors each.

For 32-bit Objects the DOS Extender will set the allocated selector's base to 0, and the limit to -1 (4GB). The 16-bit Objects' bases will be set to the base memory addresses, at which they were loaded, and the limits to the sizes of the Objects.

The loader is capable of loading the maximum of 64 Objects per application. If you have more than 64 Objects in your application, you must rebuild it, or the DOS Extender will report an error "too many objects...".


When all the Objects are loaded into memory, they will be relocated. The relocation is a process, when the Loader reads fixups and applies them to the loaded Object data. When you linking your program, the linker, as it has no knowledge of what addresses the Objects will be loaded at later, will place a fixup for each CPU command (instruction) that uses a linear (not absolute) address. Consider the following example in the assembly language:

mov esi,0A0000h
mov edi,offset _buffer_addr
mov ecx,0800h
rep movsd

The first instruction, contains an absolute address, 0A0000h, and thus no fixup will be generated by the linker for it. But the second instruction uses a linear address of variable _buffer_addr which is declared somewhere else in the program. The linker will therefore know only the linear address of variable _buffer_addr (the address relative to the beginning of the segment in which the variable is declared) and will place a fixup (this linear address) into fixup table in your protected mode application. When the Loader relocates a program, it reads the fixup (linear address), adds it to the base memory address, at which the Object was loaded, and patches the instruction that needs to be patched. This process is repeated for each Object until all instructions in all Objects are relocated. The fewer relocations a program has, the faster it is relocated, and therefore the faster it is loaded.

What is an "unrelocated address", you may ask. Look at the text just above. The unrelocated address is simply the linear address that was generated by the linker and put as a fixup into the fixup table. That is the linear address of a variable relative to the beginning of the segment, in which the variable was declared. When DOS/32 Advanced reports an error on exception occurred in your program, it will, if it can, always report the unrelocated address of the faulting instruction, along with the absolute (often =physical) address.

The Loader in DOS/32 Advanced can not load all types "LX" or "LE" applications, which depends on the factum that not all of fixup types are supported. Please note that all the programs created for DOS/4GW will be loaded by DOS/32 Advanced without any problems. Though, if you attempt to load a Windows VxD (which also use the "LE" file format) with DOS/32 Advanced Loader, you will probably get an error "unsupported fixup...".

The supported fixup types are listed below:

  • Byte fixups
  • 16-bit Selector fixups
  • 16:16-bit Pointer fixups
  • 16-bit Offset fixups
  • 16:32-bit Pointer fixups
  • 32-bit Offset fixups
  • 32-bit Self-Relative Offset fixups


    When your protected mode application is loaded and relocated, DOS/32 Advanced will setup a protected mode stack and segment registers for it and jump to the program's entry point. Note that your program may have an entry point in a 16-bit Object as well as in 32-bit.

    When protected mode program is executed, the general and segment
    registers of the CPU will be in the following state:

    EAX = 0
    EBX = 0
    ECX = 0
    EDX = 0
    ESI = 0
    EDI = 0
    EBP = 0
    ESP = points to the top of protected mode stack

    CS = 32-bit code selector with base=0 and limit=4GB
    DS = 32-bit data selector with base=0 and limit=4GB
    ES = 32-bit data selector with base=PSP and limit=256 bytes
    SS = 32-bit data selector with base=0 and limit=4GB
    FS = 32-bit data selector with base=0 and limit=4GB
    GS = NULL selector (0000h)

    interrupts enabled, direction flag clear, and DS=SS

    the FS register will contain a selector internal to DOS/32 Advanced DOS Extender, which should not be modified or freed by your program.


    (*) Note:
    The Linear Compressed file format, also refered to as "LC" file format, is a modified version of "LE"/"LX"-style executables developed in conjuction to support protected mode executable compression. Although the primary goal of the LC file format is to allow compression of 16-bit and 32-bit protected mode executables, its intention is also to provide certain level of security for protected mode programmers and prevent unwanted intrusion into the application's code. The LC compressed executables, once compressed, cannot be decompressed, debugged or reverse-engineered, which ensures the authors of the original code in that the developed application will not be modified, and the users of the application in its genuinity.


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    All Rights Reserved