DOS/32 Advanced DOS Extender - Utility Programs

3.0 - DOS/32 Advanced - SUNSYS Setup Utility

SUNSYS Setup Utility program can be used for manual (re)configuration of protected mode applications bound to DOS/32 Advanced DOS Extender as well as the stand-alone DOS/32 Advanced DOS Extender and STUB/32C Configurable Stub file executables (DOS32A.EXE and STUB32C.EXE files).

The usage of SUNSYS Setup Utility is:

SS <execname[.xxx]> [config[.d32] | command] [option]
where execname[.xxx] is the name of the file that is to be configured, and an optional config[.d32] is the file that contains configuration information.

When only one file name is specified at the command line (that is SUNSYS Setup Utility will enter a specially designed windowed mode which will allow manual (re)configuration of the referenced application

When two file names, or a file name followed by a command are specified at the command line, the Setup program will act as a console based application without entering windowed mode. In the case of two file names specified at the command line (for example config.d32), the Setup will read configuration from config.d32 file and apply it to application. In the case of a file name and a command (for example /INFO), the Setup will perform an action on the referenced application without altering its configuration.

The optional config.d32 configuration file can be replaced with the following Commands:

 Command  Description
 /I or /INFO  Write ID32 configuration header information to the console.
 /L or /LOCK  Lock configuration in the referenced Extender executable. (*)
 /U or /UNLOCK  Unlock configuration in the referenced Extender executable.

The supported Options are:

 Command  Description
 /Q or /QUIET  Quiet mode (partially disables console output).
 /S or /SILENT  Silent mode (totally disables console output).
 /H or /HELP  Help (/? is also accepted).

The examples below will give a further explanation of how to use the SUNSYS Setup Utility program.

Example 1:

  • Enter windowed mode and allow manual reconfiguration of the referenced application MYPROG.EXE.
  • Example 2:
  • Apply configuration MYPROG.D32 to MYPROG.EXE without entering the windowed mode.
  • Example 3:
    >SS MYPROG /U /Q
  • Unlock configuration in application MYPROG[.EXE].
  • Operate quietly.

    Below is included a detailed description of all the windows available in the windowed mode of the SUNSYS Setup Utility, information displayed in them and options available.

    Please read this document carefully before attempting to reconfigure DOS/32 Advanced, and be aware of that certain options, when set to improper values may cause the DOS Extender to malfunction and crash your application. Note that the Setup Utility will always check whether the changed options are outside the recommended and critical ranges. Values shown in yellow color will warn you that they are outside the recommended range, and the red-flashing values will inform you of that the chosen parameter is invalid. Remember that you can always use the F6-key to quickly restore the default (factory) settings.

    (*) Note:
    The locking and unlocking features can be effectively used to protect your DOS/32 Advanced applications against accidental reconfiguring which, when performed by an unauthorized person altering the configuration to improper values, can cause programs to malfunction and crash.


    Contents Contents:

    3.1 - SUNSYS Setup - General Information Window
    3.2 - SUNSYS Setup - Environment String Window
    3.3 - SUNSYS Setup - Quick Help Window
    3.4 - SUNSYS Setup - Main Menu Window
    3.5 - SUNSYS Setup - DPMI Kernel Configuration Window
    3.6 - SUNSYS Setup - DOS Extender Configuration Window


    Copyright © DOS/32 Advanced Team 1996-2002
    All Rights Reserved